Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another thing that isn't very pretty showing up on Google Earth...the puncturing, gouging and scarring of the land, with no effort made to restore the damage, leaving the ugliness and all in the name of oil. It's like this all over West Texas.  Whatever happened to Don't Mess With Texas?,-114.385992&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x80d68e5323b77b83:0x4c5a0b392340d860,%2B32%C2%B0+52%27+11.99%22,+-114%C2%B0+22%27+58.61%22&gl=us&ei=U3JnUOu9Lefg2wXBj4DACw&sqi=2&ved=0CB0Q8gEwAA

What the hell is this?

Okay I was being a bad girl.  There is an unfortunate house in our area and I don't feel comfortable stopping the car and gawking.  But I am a curious person, so I was googling it so I could see what all was in the yard.  And then....I saw this.  What the hell IS THIS???  Could it be the Batmobile?  In LEAKEY?

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