Well I think it's all in how you look at it.
This is part of our garage and I need to go buy some more plastic bins to put stuff in and organize it. But the other day I was doing exactly that when I found something that really scared me.
I found these scattered in different places throughout the garage, and got them all together, a total of 8 cans of WD-40. For a 2-person household. This is what happens when your hoarding gets so bad that you can't find your WD-40, so you go to the store and buy a new can. Again and again and again.
Use 'em up - nothing will ever squeek again!!!!
At some point I had an email of a list of all the things WD40 can be used for and I'd send it to you to help you use at least one or two of those cans up, but I can't find it. Oh well.
You could pass it out as gifts. Or just leave it on the doorstep of a neighbor's house, knock on the door and run away. Bonus points if they have a squeeky voice.
LOL! I need some!
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