Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mid November Update....6-1/2 months into portion control vegetarian weight loss plan

Been treading water the last 6 months.   No excuses but I do have a reason.  Since I moved to Leakey in 2011 I have found it increasingly difficult to walk for more than 5 minutes without getting out of breath. Finally after mentioning a couple of times to my doc, I have seen a pulmonologist and do have some pulmonary hypertension and a little COPD.  I have started using an inhaler twice and day and it works, so back to walking!

Half mile track north of Leakey
It has been nice weighing in every day and seeing that those 10 pounds have not come back.  But it is wearing a little thin to think that 10 pounds is going to be all I ever lose.   I am really glad to be getting back on track...literally.   For the last couple of weeks  Dale and I have been walking the track at the park on the north end of town.  It measures about half a mile, so during our 30 minute walk, Dale usually does 4 laps and I do 3.  We take Wednesdays off.   The other day I met Beth Lawless up there, who runs the Zumba classes at  the center in the park.   I plan to add a Saturday Zumba class to my routine.

So what else is new?


I know I love mine!



I have downloaded several of the Kathy Smith audio fitness walks from the iamplify website and I just love them. 

I used these years ago and they are still  great tools for keeping you on pace and keeping your motivation going while you walk.  These are what I listen to on my morning track walks and here's how to get your first one for only 2.95:



I seem to benefit from sleep hypnosis and have used it with success many times in my life.   After a lot of experimentation, I have found one that  I like.  Dr. Paul Ogilvie has  a set of three weight loss scripts that I can put on my ipod and let them rotate all night long.  The set that I chose features music utilizing Brainwave entrainment,  a music technology which is designed to help your brainwaves enter a more relaxed, peaceful, and meditative state of mind.  The first tape focuses on weight loss and insomnia, the second on weight loss and confidence and the third on weight loss and motivation.  All he asks for is a donation.   You can get them here:



This little gizmo comes already installed on your ipod and it is invaluable for tracking your exercise progress.  By turning your ipod into a pedometer, it records the number of steps you take along with the time you are walking.  By calibrating your stride and weight, you can also track calories used and other useful info. 



GARDEN LITES The Delicious Vegetable Company-- I have tried their Roasted Vegetable Souffle and their Zucchini Souffle.  Both are delicious as advertised if a little salty. 


 INTERNATIONAL DELIGHTS  has some great flavors that are both Fat Free and Sugar Free:  Caramel Creme, Caramel Marshmallow and Chocolate Almond Biscotti.  And I have really been enjoying the Pumpkin this month!


MINDLESS  has some good tips for behavior modification and this Free checklist for healthy habit changing. Get yours here:

And that's all for now....Let's see how it goes this next month...Look for the next update to find out :  To Zumba?  Or Not to Zumba?  

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