Thursday, January 28, 2010


Plumeria Nancy Ames
Go ahead and Google Image these...It's a bunch of floral eye candy.

mexican flame
frangipani (plumeria) carter #2
plumeria nancy ames
plumeria ryan chelsey psa #206
plumeria daisy wilcox psa#106
thailand A004 plumeria
peach hibiscus
orange begonias
cassia (shower of gold)
mexican love vine
shrimp plant
poinciana tree
pelargonium moonbeams
Strongylodon macrobotrys "Jade Vine" aqua!
Bougainvillea 'Double Gold'
african tulip tree (spathodea campanulata)
ponytail palm(beaucamea recurvata)
tasmanian blue gum (eucalyptus globulus)
Asparagus fern (asparagus setacous)
royal palm (roystonea regia)
otatea acuminata azetcorum (mexican weeping bambo)
phyllostachys nigra (black bamboo)
salmon pink flowering oleander
natchez crape myrtle (white)
queen palm tree (sygagrus romanzoffiana)
pygmy date palm (phoenix roebellenii)
zamia palm (cardboard) zamia furfuracea
azsparugus fern (asparagus densiflorus)
English ivy (hedera helix)
plum passion nandina (nandina domestica)
bleeding hearts (clerodendron thomsoniae)
lantana camara
ixora (orange)
hallmark (bulbine fruiticosa)
bougainvillea bengal orange
stephanotis floribunda
morning glory chocolate (ipomoea nil)
flowering wisteria tree (wisteria sinensis)
japanese snowball tree
flowering gordonia tree (gordonia lasianthus)
purple robe locust (robinia pseudoacacia)
grancy graybeard (chionanthus virginicus- fringe tree)
thornless honeylocust (gleditsia tricanthus inermis)
southern magnolia grandiflora (magnolia grandiflora)
canary island date palm 9PHOENIX CANARIENSES(
ginko biloba (maidenhair tree)
sycamore (platanus occidentalis)

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